Arianna Jackson is a freshman at Roosevelt High School in Des Moines, IA. While she may just be a freshman, she is no stranger to athletic success. She is a 3-sport superstar, dominating her competitors in cross country, basketball, and track. Jackson was on track for a breakthrough freshman track and field season when everything hit the pause button with the spread of the novel coronavirus. She was willing to answer a few questions about what this has been like for a young athlete who lives and breathes sports 24/7.

Question 1: What do you miss most with the current suspension of the season?

Answer: I mostly miss the team atmosphere and just the chance to get better with all my teammates! Roosevelt has the chance to be really special this year for track and field, so every moment that we have to get better counts towards us having a lot of success this year!

Question 2: What is your favorite workout to do either on a track or away from the track since access has been limited to outdoor facilities?

Answer: My favorite workout to do on my own would probably be ladders or just going on a 4-5 mile run. I love ladders because I get that chance to sprint and push myself to keep going even though it may hurt. I love going on 4-5 mile runs because it’s so nice just to run through nature and explore everything.

Question 3: What advice do you have for other young track and field athletes struggling to stay motivated?

Answer: Some advice I have for those struggling to stay motivated is just to stick with it even though you may be the only one working hard right now. The more you push yourself now, the better you will be when the season comes back around.

Thanks to Arianna and best of luck to her when the time comes to once again showcase her talent and hard work!